Organic Espresso Coffee



Organic Espresso Coffee is a blend of Sumatran and Central American Coffees with the finest quality Robusta beans. As the name suggests, it has received Rainforest Alliance certification.

This is one way of committing to the welfare of our planet by supporting a growing network of farmers, foresters, communities, scientists, governments, environmentalists and businesses.

If you’re looking for a cuppa to satisfy not only your taste buds but also your conscience, our Organic Espresso Coffee is the perfect choice. It’s unmistakably first-rate, too, having been roasted using the latest state-of-the-art Neuhaus Neotec fluidised air-bed system.

Perhaps best of all, we pack our Organic Espresso Coffee, like almost all of our products, fresh to order.

More About Organic Espresso Coffee

Sumatra in Indonesia is one of the best-known and most-loved Coffee-producing areas in the world. It’s a good thing, then, that this Rainforest Alliance Coffee Blend contains a sizable amount of these remarkable beans.

Then there is the Central American Coffee found within it, which also has much to offer. Finally, although most consider Robusta beans of “lesser” quality, it’s certainly not the case here!

Still, what is arguably most important is the fact that each and every Coffee found in this blend has been certified by Rainforest Alliance. This organisation has done much to protect the environment while also sustaining the livelihoods of thousands of Coffee workers.

Will you offer your support, too, by buying our Rainforest Alliance Coffee today?

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TIME OF DAY: Breakfast, Lunchtime

COUNTRY: Central America

ROAST: Medium


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